Master List of Item Codes

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This page contains a master list of item code for all the items in the game.

Automated List

Item NameItemIDWeightType
Iron Ore082Resource
Silver Ore102Resource
Pouch of Gold1000Misc
Magic Stone131Resource
Wooden Shaft141Resource
Bone Powder211Resource
Purified Powder241Resource
Silver Alloy253Resource
Mithril Alloy263Resource
Steel Mold272Resource
Silver Mold282Resource
Blacksmith Frame293Resource
Artisan Frame303Resource
Silver Frame322Resource
Metal Plate332Resource
Metallic Fiber342Resource
Crafted Leather351Resource
Quality Cloth362Resource
Blacksmith Mold373Resource
Artisan Mold383Resource
Stinky Sumac391Resource
Mercy Sassafras401Resource
Cliff Rue411Resource
Love Creeper421Resource
Wolf Root431Resource
Swamp Lavender441Resource
White Blossom451Resource
Storm Hyssop481Resource
Cave Garlic491Resource
Yellow Seed501Resource
Wooden Arrow5040Consumable
Wooden Arrows Pack50510Misc
Bottle of Remedy5060Consumable
Remedy Pack5073Misc
Bottle of Poison5080Consumable
Poison Pack5093Misc
Steel Arrow5100Consumable
Steel Arrows Pack51110Misc
Silver Arrow5120Consumable
Silver Arrows Pack51310Misc
Broad Arrow5140Consumable
Broad Arrows Pack51510Misc
Heavy Arrow5160Consumable
Heavy Arrows Pack51710Misc
Compound Arrow5180Consumable
Compound Arrows Pack51910Misc
Spring Bay Leaf521Resource
Piercing Arrow5200Consumable
Piercing Arrows Pack52110Misc
Bodkin Arrow5220Consumable
Bodkin Arrows Pack52310Misc
Mechblade Arrow5240Consumable
Mechblade Arrows Pack52510Misc
Ash Rosemary531Resource
Sanguine Parsley541Resource
Sun Tarragon551Resource
Dragon Seed571Resource
Queen's Pepper581Resource
Plasma of Abyss591Resource
Ultramarine Dust601Resource
Ethereal Bone611Resource
Gift Coupon: Goose613Misc
Gift Coupon: Pig6141Misc
Gift Coupon: Horse6151Misc
Gift Coupon: Owl6161Misc
Gift Coupon: Mouse6171Misc
Hay6185Pet Food
Corn6195Pet Food
Hamsters6205Pet Food
Cheese6215Pet Food
Gift Coupon: Gopher6221Misc
Gift Coupon: Ant6231Misc
Gift Coupon: Spider6241Misc
Gift Coupon: Haunted6251Misc
Gift Coupon: Camel6261Misc
Assassin Vine631Resource
Resurrection Mix6361Misc
Flammia Nut661Resource
Mammoth Dill681Resource
Silver Dust691Resource
Sapphire Dust741Resource
Ruby Dust751Resource
Teclia Shot761Resource
Pygmy Spice771Resource
Void Moss811Resource
Mithril ore822Resource
Forged Leather832Resource
Reinforced Loom842Resource
Tempered Shaft858Resource
Rune Anvil863Resource
Arcane Mold873Resource
Eminent Shard883Resource
Supreme Shard893Resource
Ball (Fish Cake)??Misc
Ball (Baseball)??Misc
Ball (Basketball)??Misc
Ball (8ball)??Misc
Ball (Cookie)??Misc
Ball (Tennisball)??Misc
Ball (Soccerball)??Misc
Testy Mc Test Food??666Consumable
Cloth Jacketa01450Protective Gear
Leather Shirta02450Protective Gear
Chain Maila03450Protective Gear
Silver Cuirassa04450Protective Gear
Mithril Armora05450Protective Gear
Hata06190Protective Gear
Leather Hooda07190Protective Gear
Steel Helmeta08190Protective Gear
Silver Helmeta09190Protective Gear
Mithril Helmeta10190Protective Gear
Assault Capea10050Cape
Craftsman Aprona10150Cape
Stoneskin Cloaka10250Cape
Manticore Armora103530Protective Gear
Overseer Armora104530Protective Gear
Discarnate Robea105530Protective Gear
Manticore Helmeta106220Protective Gear
Overseer Helmeta107220Protective Gear
Discarnate Circleta108220Protective Gear
Manticore Glovesa109170Protective Gear
Sandalsa11125Protective Gear
Overseer Gauntletsa110170Protective Gear
Discarnate Bracersa111170Protective Gear
Overseer Shielda113220Weapon
Manticore Bootsa114168Protective Gear
Overseer Bootsa115168Protective Gear
Discarnate Shoesa116170Protective Gear
Onslaught Capea11760Cape
Indissoluble Cloaka11860Cape
Artificer Aprona11960Cape
Leather Shoesa12125Protective Gear
Scout's Sling Packa120Special Equippable
Sunfire Shoesa121170Protective Gear
Sunfire Bracersa122170Protective Gear
Sunfire Robea123530Protective Gear
Sunfire Hata124220Protective Gear
Destiny Bootsa125170Protective Gear
Destiny Glovesa126170Protective Gear
Destiny Armora127530Protective Gear
Destiny Helmeta128220Protective Gear
Giant Shielda129220Weapon
Steel Bootsa13125Protective Gear
Giant Bootsa130170Protective Gear
Giant Gauntletsa131170Protective Gear
Giant Armora132530Protective Gear
Giant Helmeta133220Protective Gear
Majestic Shoesa134170Protective Gear
Majestic Bracersa135170Protective Gear
Majestic Robea136590Protective Gear
Majestic Hata137Protective Gear
Destroyer Bootsa138170Protective Gear
Destroyer Glovesa139170Protective Gear
Silver Bootsa14125Protective Gear
Destroyer Helmeta140220Protective Gear
Destroyer Armora141530Protective Gear
Monument Shielda142Weapon
Monument Bootsa143170Protective Gear
Monument Gauntletsa144170Protective Gear
Monument Armora145530Protective Gear
Monument Helmeta146220Protective Gear
Spirit Amuleta147Protective Gear
Mithril Bootsa15125Protective Gear
Gloves (Item)a16125Protective Gear
Leather Glovesa17125Protective Gear
Steel Gauntletsa18125Protective Gear
Silver Gauntletsa19125Protective Gear
Mithril Gauntletsa20125Protective Gear
Wooden Shielda21180Weapon
Skeleton Bucklera22180Weapon
Bronze Shielda23180Weapon
Silver Shielda24180Weapon
Mithril Shielda25180Weapon
Royal Guard Capea2610Cape
Order Armora27450Protective Gear
Order Helmeta28190Protective Gear
Order Bootsa29125Protective Gear
Order Gauntletsa30125Protective Gear
Order Shielda31180Weapon
Hunter Armora32450Protective Gear
Hunter Helmeta33190Protective Gear
Hunter Bootsa34125Protective Gear
Hunter Glovesa35125Protective Gear
Clarity Robea36450Protective Gear
Clarity Circleta37190Protective Gear
Clarity Shoesa38125Protective Gear
Clarity Bracersa39125Protective Gear
Pencil of Trutha4010Special Equippable
Bard's Capea4110Cape
Saddlebaga42Special Equippable
Flaska43Special Equippable
Veteran's Cloaka44Cape
Crusader Armora45480Protective Gear
Crusader Helmeta46200Protective Gear
Crusader Bootsa47140Protective Gear
Crusader Gauntletsa48140Protective Gear
Crusader Shielda49200Weapon
Royal Armora50480Protective Gear
Royal Helmeta51200Protective Gear
Royal Bootsa52140Protective Gear
Royal Gauntletsa53140Protective Gear
Royal Shielda54200Weapon
Ghost Armora55480Protective Gear
Ghost Helmeta56200Protective Gear
Ghost Bootsa57140Protective Gear
Ghost Glovesa58140Protective Gear
Lion Armora59480Protective Gear
Lion Helmeta60200Protective Gear
Lion Bootsa61140Protective Gear
Lion Glovesa62140Protective Gear
Demon Robea63480Protective Gear
Demon Circleta64200Protective Gear
Demon Shoesa65140Protective Gear
Demon Bracersa66140Protective Gear
Divine Robea67480Protective Gear
Divine Circleta68200Protective Gear
Divine Shoesa69140Protective Gear
Divine Bracersa70140Protective Gear
Storm Cloaka7130Cape
Durable Cloaka7230Cape
Blessed Cloaka7330Cape
Hiking Jara7410Special Equippable
Hiking Baga7510Special Equippable
Stick of Wisdoma7610Special Equippable
Council Armora78510Protective Gear
Council Helmeta79210Protective Gear
Council Bootsa80155Protective Gear
Council Gauntletsa81155Protective Gear
Council Shielda82220Weapon
Griffin Armora83510Protective Gear
Griffin Helmeta84210Protective Gear
Griffin Bootsa85155Protective Gear
Griffin Glovesa86155Protective Gear
Celestial Armora87510Protective Gear
Celestial Helmeta88210Protective Gear
Celestial Bootsa89155Protective Gear
Celestial Bracersa90155Protective Gear
First Aid KitaidMisc
Blank Valentine CardbvcMisc
Blank Valentine Silver CardbvcsConsumable
Certificate of Advanced Training (Collector)cert2Consumable
Zombie Chestch1Misc
Targeted chaos stonecpsMisc
Chaos Stone Shardcss1Resource
Chaos Stonecst1Misc
Cocoa Powdere11Resource
Witchling Robe (Event Item)e101450Protective Gear
Witchling Circlet (Event Item)e102190Protective Gear
Witchling Shoes (Event Item)e103125Protective Gear
Witchling Bracers (Event Item)e104125Protective Gear
Witch Robe (Event Item)e105480Protective Gear
Witch Circlet (Event Item)e106200Protective Gear
Witch Shoes (Event Item)e107140Protective Gear
Witch Bracers (Event Item)e108140Protective Gear
Walker Armor (Event Gear)e109450Protective Gear
Walker Helmet (Event Gear)e110190Protective Gear
Walker Boots (Event Gear)e111125Protective Gear
Walker Gauntlets (Event Gear)e112125Protective Gear
Walker Shield (Event Gear)e113180Weapon
Zombie Armor (Event Gear)e114480Protective Gear
Zombie Helmet (Event Gear)e115200Protective Gear
Zombie Boots (Event Gear)e116140Protective Gear
Zombie Gauntlets (Event Gear)e117140Protective Gear
Zombie Shield (Event Gear)e118200Weapon
Imp Robe (Event Item)e119450Protective Gear
Imp Circlet (Event Item)e120190Protective Gear
Imp Shoes (Event Item)e121125Protective Gear
Imp Bracers (Event Item)e122125Protective Gear
Demon Robe (Event Item)e123480Protective Gear
Demon Circlet (Event Item)e124200Protective Gear
Demon Shoes (Event Item)e125140Protective Gear
Demon Bracers (Event Item)e126140Protective Gear
Manwolf Armor (Event Item)e127450Protective Gear
Manwolf Helmet (Event Gear)e128190Protective Gear
Manwolf Boots (Event Item)e129125Protective Gear
Manwolf Gloves (Event Gear)e130125Protective Gear
Werewolf Armor (Event Item)e131480Protective Gear
Werewolf Helmet (Event Gear)e132200Protective Gear
Werewolf Boots (Event Item)e133140Protective Gear
Werewolf Gloves (Event Item)e134140Protective Gear
Fleder Armor (Event Item)e135450Protective Gear
Fleder Helmet (Event Item)e136190Protective Gear
Fleder Boots (Event Item)e137125Protective Gear
Fleder Gloves (Event Item)e138125Protective Gear
Nosferatu Armor (Event Gear)e139480Protective Gear
Nosferatu Helmet (Event Item)e140200Protective Gear
Nosferatu Boots (Event Item)e141140Protective Gear
Nosferatu Gloves (Event Item)e142140Protective Gear
Witchling Staff (Event Item)e143180Weapon
War Club (Event Gear)e144180Weapon
Imp Bow (Event Item)e145180Weapon
Imp Whip (Event Item)e146180Weapon
Manwolf Knife (Event Gear)e147180Weapon
Fleder Scimitar (Event Item)e148180Weapon
Witch Staff (Event Item)e149200Weapon
Walker Club (Event Gear)e150200Weapon
Demon Bow (Event Item)e151200Weapon
Demon Whip (Event Item)e152200Weapon
Werewolf Knife (Event Gear)e153200Weapon
Nosferatu Rapier (Event Item)e154200Weapon
Vague Belle15510Special Equippable
Hat of Pretendere156190Protective Gear
Cupid's Essencee164Resource
Bride Dresse39Protective Gear
Groom Suite40Protective Gear
Marriage Licencee41Consumable
Wicker Basketefb180Weapon
Scroll Enhancerenh1Misc
Scroll of Sigilens1Misc
Evil Spirits Totemest50Special Equippable
Extraction Stone (Red)ex1Misc
Extraction Stone (Green)ex2Misc
Extraction Stone (Blue)ex3Misc
Extraction Stone (Orange)ex4Misc
Extraction Stone (Yellow)ex5Misc
Extraction Stone (Black)ex6Misc
Bitter Meatf10Resource
Bitter Fishf11Misc
Bitter Fruitf12Resource
Bitter Veggief13Misc
Bitter Bakeryf14Misc
Bitter Dairyf15Misc
Bitter Saucef16Misc
Bitter Creamf17Misc
Bitter Liquidf18Misc
Targeted force stonefpsMisc
Force Stone Shardfss1Resource
Force Stonefst1Misc
Guild emblem clothgecMisc
Guild bannergwbMisc
Bone (Halloween 2023)h19Misc
Pumpkin (Halloween 2023)h21Misc
Cursed Creeph28Misc
Blood Fiendh34Misc
Pumpkin Monsterh37Misc
Bat Beasth39Misc
Skeleton (Minion)h40Misc
Heart Eaterh41Misc
Swamp Thingh42Misc
Fungus Beasth48Misc
Dark Sorcererh51Misc
Timeless Jadehw102Misc
Shadow Bloodstonehw104Misc
Void Emeraldhw107Misc
Jar of Upgradesjp2Misc
Champion Bladek0110Piece of Equipment
Trident Bladek0210Piece of Equipment
Hunter Shaftk0310Piece of Equipment
War Hammer Headk0410Piece of Equipment
Hunter Bladek0510Piece of Equipment
Order Armor Piecek0610Piece of Equipment
Order Helmet Fragmentk0710Piece of Equipment
Order Boots Partk0810Piece of Equipment
Order Gauntlets Partk0910Piece of Equipment
Order Shield Partk1010Piece of Equipment
Assault Cape Partk10010Piece of Equipment
Craftsman Apron Partk10110Piece of Equipment
Stoneskin Cloak Partk10210Piece of Equipment
Poniard Partk10310Piece of Equipment
Lightbane Katana Partk10410Piece of Equipment
Doom Warglaive Partk10510Piece of Equipment
Decimation Harpoon Partk10610Piece of Equipment
Sinister Ranseur Partk10710Piece of Equipment
Heartstriker Bow Partk10810Piece of Equipment
Windstalker Bow Partk10910Piece of Equipment
Hunter Armor Partk1110Piece of Equipment
Malificent Maul Partk11010Piece of Equipment
Brutalizer Flail Partk11110Piece of Equipment
Manticore Armor Partk11210Piece of Equipment
Manticore Helmet Partk11310Piece of Equipment
Manticore Boots Partk11410Piece of Equipment
Manticore Gloves Partk11510Piece of Equipment
Overseer Shield Partk11610Piece of Equipment
Overseer Armor Partk11710Piece of Equipment
Overseer Helmet Partk11810Piece of Equipment
Overseer Boots Partk11910Piece of Equipment
Hunter Helmet Fragmentk1210Piece of Equipment
Overseer Gauntlets Partk12010Piece of Equipment
Discarnate Robe Partk12110Piece of Equipment
Discarnate Circlet Partk12210Piece of Equipment
Discarnate Shoes Partk12310Piece of Equipment
Discarnate Bracers Partk12410Piece of Equipment
Onslaught Cape partk125Piece of Equipment
Indissoluble Cloak Partk12610Piece of Equipment
Artificer Apron Partk12710Piece of Equipment
Sunfire Shoes partk128Piece of Equipment
Sunfire Bracers partk129Piece of Equipment
Hunter Boots Partk1310Piece of Equipment
Sunfire Robe partk13010Piece of Equipment
Sunfire Hat partk131Piece of Equipment
Destiny Boots partk132Piece of Equipment
Destiny Gloves partk13310Piece of Equipment
Destiny Armor partk134Piece of Equipment
Destiny Helmet partk135Piece of Equipment
Giant Boots partk136Piece of Equipment
Giant Gauntlets partk137Piece of Equipment
Giant Armor partk138Piece of Equipment
Giant Helmet partk139Piece of Equipment
Hunter Gloves Partk1410Piece of Equipment
Giant Shield partk140Piece of Equipment
Majestic Shoes partk141Piece of Equipment
Majestic Bracers Partk14210Piece of Equipment
Majestic Robe partk143Piece of Equipment
Majestic Hat partk144Piece of Equipment
Destroyer Boots partk145Piece of Equipment
Destroyer Gloves partk146Piece of Equipment
Destroyer Armor partk147Piece of Equipment
Destroyer Helmet partk148Piece of Equipment
Monument Boots partk149Piece of Equipment
Clarity Robe Piecek1510Piece of Equipment
Monument Gauntlets partk150Piece of Equipment
Monument Armor partk151Piece of Equipment
Monument Helmet partk152Piece of Equipment
Monument Shield Partk153Piece of Equipment
Caliban Knife bladek15410Piece of Equipment
Relic Knife bladek155Piece of Equipment
Caliban Blade partk156Piece of Equipment
Relic Rapier bladek157Piece of Equipment
Dark Halberd bladek158Piece of Equipment
Divine Javelin bladek159Piece of Equipment
Clarity Circlet Fragmentk1610Piece of Equipment
Old Guard shaftk160Piece of Equipment
Bow of Peril shaftk161Piece of Equipment
Black Arbalest partk162Piece of Equipment
Elven Arbalest partk163Piece of Equipment
Heartbreaker headk164Piece of Equipment
Demon Hammer headk165Piece of Equipment
Clarity Shoes Partk1710Piece of Equipment
Clarity Bracers Partk1810Piece of Equipment
Thundersoul Bladek1910Piece of Equipment
Doomblade Bladek2010Piece of Equipment
Eclipse Bladek2110Piece of Equipment
Guard's Bladek2210Piece of Equipment
King's Defender Bladek2310Piece of Equipment
Raging Lance Bladek2410Piece of Equipment
Composite Bow Shaftk2510Piece of Equipment
Lightning Bow Shaftk2610Piece of Equipment
Hailstorm Bow Shaftk2710Piece of Equipment
Imperial Axe Headk2810Piece of Equipment
Skull Crusher Headk2910Piece of Equipment
Dragon Mace Headk3010Piece of Equipment
Ghost Bladek3110Piece of Equipment
Lion Bladek3210Piece of Equipment
Crusader Armor Piecek3310Piece of Equipment
Crusader Helmet Fragmentk3410Piece of Equipment
Crusader Boots Partk3510Piece of Equipment
Crusader Gauntlets Partk3610Piece of Equipment
Crusader Shield Partk3710Piece of Equipment
Royal Armor Piecek3810Piece of Equipment
Royal Helmet Fragmentk3910Piece of Equipment
Royal Boots Partk4010Piece of Equipment
Royal Gauntlets Partk4110Piece of Equipment
Royal Shield Partk4210Piece of Equipment
Ghost Armor Partk4310Piece of Equipment
Ghost Helmet Fragmentk4410Piece of Equipment
Ghost Boots Partk4510Piece of Equipment
Ghost Gloves Partk4610Piece of Equipment
Lion Armor Partk4710Piece of Equipment
Lion Helmet Fragmentk4810Piece of Equipment
Lion Boots Partk4910Piece of Equipment
Lion Gloves Partk5010Piece of Equipment
Demon Robe Piecek5110Piece of Equipment
Demon Circlet Fragmentk5210Piece of Equipment
Demon Shoes Partk5310Piece of Equipment
Demon Bracers Partk5410Piece of Equipment
Divine Robe Piecek5510Piece of Equipment
Divine Circlet Fragmentk5610Piece of Equipment
Divine Shoes Partk5710Piece of Equipment
Divine Bracers Partk5810Piece of Equipment
Storm Cloak Partk5910Piece of Equipment
Durable Cloak Partk6010Piece of Equipment
Blessed Cloak Partk6110Piece of Equipment
Council Armor Partk7810Piece of Equipment
Council Helmet Partk7910Piece of Equipment
Council Boots Partk8010Piece of Equipment
Council Gauntlets Partk8110Piece of Equipment
Council Shield Partk8210Piece of Equipment
Griffin Armor Partk8310Piece of Equipment
Griffin Helmet Partk8410Piece of Equipment
Griffin Boots Partk8510Piece of Equipment
Griffin Gloves Partk8610Piece of Equipment
Celestial Armor Partk8710Piece of Equipment
Celestial Helmet Partk8810Piece of Equipment
Celestial Boots Partk8910Piece of Equipment
Celestial Bracers Partk9010Piece of Equipment
Griffin Knife Partk9110Piece of Equipment
Minotaur Sword Partk9210Piece of Equipment
Phoenix Sword Partk9310Piece of Equipment
Heavy Fauchard Partk9410Piece of Equipment
Guisarme Partk9510Piece of Equipment
Meteor Bow Partk9610Piece of Equipment
Nightfall Bow Partk9710Piece of Equipment
Black Morningstar Partk9810Piece of Equipment
Maiming Bulawa Partk9910Piece of Equipment
Landlord BadgeldbMisc
Mass Vial Of Peacem01Consumable
Mass Potion Of Peacem02Consumable
Mass Bottle Of Peacem03Consumable
Mass Vial Of Ragem04Consumable
Mass Potion Of Ragem05Consumable
Mass Bottle Of Ragem06Consumable
Mass Vial Of Healthm07Consumable
Mass Potion Of Healthm08Consumable
Mass Bottle Of Healthm09Consumable
Mass Vial Of Manam10Consumable
Mass Potion Of Manam11Consumable
Mass Bottle Of Manam12Consumable
Vial of Ragep011Consumable
Potion of Ragep021Consumable
Bottle of Ragep031Consumable
Vial of Peacep041Consumable
Potion of Peacep051Consumable
Bottle of Peacep061Consumable
Vial of Greedp071Consumable
Potion of Greedp081Consumable
Bottle of Greedp091Consumable
Vial of Naturep101Consumable
Potion of Naturep111Consumable
Bottle of Naturep121Consumable
Vial of Manap131Consumable
Potion of Manap141Consumable
Bottle of Manap151Consumable
Vial of Twilightp161Consumable
Potion of Twilightp171Consumable
Bottle of Twilightp181Consumable
Vial of Morphp191Consumable
Potion of Morphp201Consumable
Bottle of Morphp211Consumable
Vial of Healthp221Consumable
Potion of Healthp231Consumable
Bottle of Healthp241Consumable
Rejuvenation Vialp251Consumable
Rejuvenation Potionp261Consumable
Rejuvenation Bottlep271Consumable
Clarity Vialp281Consumable
Clarity Potionp291Consumable
Clarity Bottlep301Consumable
Gris Stabilizerp311Consumable
Azure Stabilizerp321Consumable
Crimson Stabilizerp331Consumable
Teamwork Vialp341Consumable
Teamwork Potionp351Consumable
Teamwork Bottlep361Consumable
Duality Vialp371Consumable
Duality Potionp381Consumable
Duality Bottlep391Consumable
Vial of Oblivionpl1Consumable
Bottle of Oblivionpl3Consumable
Champion Sword Reciper0110Recipe (Item)
Trident Reciper0210Recipe (Item)
Hunter Bow Reciper0310Recipe (Item)
War Hammer Reciper0410Recipe (Item)
Hunter Dagger Reciper0510Recipe (Item)
Order Armor Reciper0610Recipe (Item)
Order Helmet Reciper0710Recipe (Item)
Order Boots Reciper0810Recipe (Item)
Order Gauntlets Reciper0910Recipe (Item)
Order Shield Reciper1010Recipe (Item)
Assault Cape Reciper10010Recipe (Item)
Craftsman Apron Reciper10110Recipe (Item)
Stoneskin Cloak Reciper10210Recipe (Item)
Poniard Reciper10310Recipe (Item)
Lightbane Katana Reciper10410Recipe (Item)
Doom Warglaive Reciper10510Recipe (Item)
Decimation Harpoon Reciper10610Recipe (Item)
Sinister Ranseur Reciper10710Recipe (Item)
Heartstriker Bow Reciper10810Recipe (Item)
Windstalker Bow Reciper10910Recipe (Item)
Hunter Armor Reciper1110Recipe (Item)
Malificent Maul Reciper11010Recipe (Item)
Brutalizer Flail Reciper11110Recipe (Item)
Manticore Armor Reciper11210Recipe (Item)
Manticore Helmet Reciper11310Recipe (Item)
Manticore Boots Reciper11410Recipe (Item)
Manticore Gloves Reciper11510Recipe (Item)
Overseer Armor Reciper11610Recipe (Item)
Overseer Helmet Reciper11710Recipe (Item)
Overseer Boots Reciper11810Recipe (Item)
Overseer Gauntlets Reciper11910Recipe (Item)
Hunter Helmet Reciper1210Recipe (Item)
Overseer Shield Reciper12010Recipe (Item)
Discarnate Robe Reciper12110Recipe (Item)
Discarnate Circlet Reciper12210Recipe (Item)
Discarnate Shoes Reciper12310Recipe (Item)
Discarnate Bracers Reciper12410Recipe (Item)
Onslaught Cape reciper125Recipe (Item)
Indissoluble Cloak Reciper12610Recipe (Item)
Artificer Apron Reciper12710Recipe (Item)
Giant Armor reciper128Recipe (Item)
Giant Helmet reciper129Recipe (Item)
Hunter Boots Reciper1310Recipe (Item)
Giant Boots reciper130Recipe (Item)
Giant Gauntlets reciper131Recipe (Item)
Giant Shield reciper132Recipe (Item)
Monument Armor reciper133Recipe (Item)
Monument Helmet reciper134Recipe (Item)
Monument Boots reciper135Recipe (Item)
Monument Gauntlets reciper136Recipe (Item)
Monument Shield reciper137Recipe (Item)
Destiny Armor reciper138Recipe (Item)
Destiny Helmet reciper139Recipe (Item)
Hunter Gloves Reciper1410Recipe (Item)
Destiny Boots reciper140Recipe (Item)
Destiny Gloves reciper141Recipe (Item)
Destroyer Armor reciper142Recipe (Item)
Destroyer Helmet reciper143Recipe (Item)
Destroyer Boots reciper144Recipe (Item)
Destroyer Gloves reciper145Recipe (Item)
Sunfire Robe reciper146Recipe (Item)
Sunfire Hat reciper147Recipe (Item)
Sunfire Shoes reciper148Recipe (Item)
Sunfire Bracers reciper149Recipe (Item)
Clarity Robe Reciper1510Recipe (Item)
Majestic Robe reciper150Recipe (Item)
Majestic Hat reciper151Recipe (Item)
Majestic Shoes reciper152Recipe (Item)
Majestic Bracers Reciper15310Recipe (Item)
Caliban Knife reciper154Recipe (Item)
Relic Knife reciper155Recipe (Item)
Caliban Blade reciper156Recipe (Item)
Relic Rapier reciper157Recipe (Item)
Dark Halberd reciper158Recipe (Item)
Divine Javelin reciper159Recipe (Item)
Clarity Circlet Reciper1610Recipe (Item)
Old Guard reciper160Recipe (Item)
Bow of Peril reciper161Recipe (Item)
Heartbreaker reciper162Recipe (Item)
Demon Hammer reciper163Recipe (Item)
Black Arbalest reciper164Recipe (Item)
Elven Arbalest reciper165Recipe (Item)
Clarity Shoes Reciper1710Recipe (Item)
Clarity Bracers Reciper1810Recipe (Item)
Thundersoul Sword Reciper1910Recipe (Item)
Doomblade Sword Reciper2010Recipe (Item)
Eclipse Reciper2110Recipe (Item)
Guard's Spear Reciper2210Recipe (Item)
King's Defender Reciper2310Recipe (Item)
Raging Lance Reciper2410Recipe (Item)
Composite Bow Reciper2510Recipe (Item)
Lightning Bow Reciper2610Recipe (Item)
Hailstorm Bow Reciper2710Recipe (Item)
Imperial Axe Reciper2810Recipe (Item)
Skull Crusher Reciper2910Recipe (Item)
Dragon Mace Reciper3010Recipe (Item)
Ghost Dagger Reciper3110Recipe (Item)
Lion Knife Reciper3210Recipe (Item)
Crusader Armor Reciper3310Recipe (Item)
Crusader Helmet Reciper3410Recipe (Item)
Crusader Boots Reciper3510Recipe (Item)
Crusader Gauntlets Reciper3610Recipe (Item)
Crusader Shield Reciper3710Recipe (Item)
Royal Armor Reciper3810Recipe (Item)
Royal Helmet Reciper3910Recipe (Item)
Royal Boots Reciper4010Recipe (Item)
Royal Gauntlets Reciper4110Recipe (Item)
Royal Shield Reciper4210Recipe (Item)
Ghost Armor Reciper4310Recipe (Item)
Ghost Helmet Reciper4410Recipe (Item)
Ghost Boots Reciper4510Recipe (Item)
Ghost Gloves Reciper4610Recipe (Item)
Lion Armor Reciper4710Recipe (Item)
Lion Helmet Reciper4810Recipe (Item)
Lion Boots Reciper4910Recipe (Item)
Lion Gloves Reciper5010Recipe (Item)
Demon Robe Reciper5110Recipe (Item)
Demon Circlet Reciper5210Recipe (Item)
Demon Shoes Reciper5310Recipe (Item)
Demon Bracers Reciper5410Recipe (Item)
Divine Robe Reciper5510Recipe (Item)
Divine Circlet Reciper5610Recipe (Item)
Divine Shoes Reciper5710Recipe (Item)
Divine Bracers Reciper5810Recipe (Item)
Storm Cloak Reciper5910Recipe (Item)
Durable Cloak Reciper6010Recipe (Item)
Blessed Cloak Reciper6110Recipe (Item)
Council Armor Reciper7810Recipe (Item)
Council Helmet Reciper7910Recipe (Item)
Council Boots Reciper8010Recipe (Item)
Council Gauntlets Reciper8110Recipe (Item)
Council Shield Reciper8210Recipe (Item)
Griffin Armor Reciper8310Recipe (Item)
Griffin Helmet Reciper8410Recipe (Item)
Griffin Boots Reciper8510Recipe (Item)
Griffin Gloves Reciper8610Recipe (Item)
Celestial Armor Reciper8710Recipe (Item)
Celestial Helmet Reciper8810Recipe (Item)
Celestial Boots Reciper8910Recipe (Item)
Celestial Bracers Reciper9010Recipe (Item)
Griffin Knife Reciper9110Recipe (Item)
Minotaur Sword Reciper9210Recipe (Item)
Phoenix Sword Reciper9310Recipe (Item)
Heavy Fauchard Reciper9410Recipe (Item)
Guisarme Reciper9510Recipe (Item)
Meteor Bow Reciper9610Recipe (Item)
Nightfall Bow Reciper9710Recipe (Item)
Black Morningstar Reciper9810Recipe (Item)
Maiming Bulawa Reciper9910Recipe (Item)
Scroll of Rage (Red)s011Misc
Scroll of Peace (Red)s021Misc
Scroll of Rage (Green)s031Misc
Scroll of Peace (Green)s041Misc
Scroll of Rage (Blue)s051Misc
Scroll of Peace (Blue)s061Misc
Scroll of Rage (Orange)s071Misc
Scroll of Peace (Orange)s081Misc
Scroll of Rage (Yellow)s091Misc
Scroll of Peace (Yellow)s101Misc
Rare Scroll of Rage (Red)s111Misc
Rare Scroll of Peace (Red)s121Misc
Rare Scroll of Rage (Green)s131Misc
Rare Scroll of Peace (Green)s141Misc
Rare Scroll of Rage (Blue)s151Misc
Rare Scroll of Peace (Blue)s161Misc
Rare Scroll of Rage (Orange)s171Misc
Rare Scroll of Peace (Orange)s181Misc
Rare Scroll of Rage (Yellow)s191Misc
Rare Scroll of Peace (Yellow)s201Misc
Scroll of Rage (Black)s21Misc
Scroll of Peace (Black)s22Misc
Rare scroll of Rage (Black)s23Misc
Rare scroll of Peace (Black)s24Misc
Bronze Aries ring (Eagle)s2b1Special Equippable
Gold Aries ring (Wolf)s2g1Special Equippable
Silver Aries ring (Dragon)s2s1Special Equippable
Bronze Taurus amulet (Eagle)s3b1Special Equippable
Gold Taurus amulet (Dragon)s3g1Special Equippable
Silver Taurus amulet (Wolf)s3s1Special Equippable
Bronze Gemini ring (Wolf)s4b1Special Equippable
Gold Gemini ring (Potato)s4g1Special Equippable
Silver Gemini ring (Moon)s4s1Special Equippable
Scroll of Engraving (Prefix)s501Misc
Scroll of Engraving (Postfix)s511Misc
Rare Scroll of Engraving (Prefix)s521Misc
βœ’οΈRare Scroll of Engraving (Postfix)s531Misc
Scroll of Definition (Red)s61Misc
Scroll of Definition (Green)s62Misc
Scroll of Definition (Blue)s63Misc
Scroll of Definition (Orange)s64Misc
Scroll of Definition (Yellow)s65Misc
Scroll of Definition (Black)s66Misc
Colorless shardtd1Misc
Loyalty Trophytlt1Misc
Mushroom stashtmsMisc
Observer wardtowMisc
Red traptr1Misc
Orange traptr2Misc
Yellow traptr3Misc
Green traptr4Misc
Blue traptr5Misc
Indigo traptr6Misc
Violet traptr7Misc
Lime traptr8Misc
Teal traptr9Misc
Gris Murky Potiontw1Consumable
Azure murky potiontw2Consumable
Crimson murky potiontw3Consumable
Wooden Swordw01180Weapon
Short Swordw02180Weapon
Long Swordw03180Weapon
Widow Swordw04180Weapon
Knight's Swordw05180Weapon
Elven Swordw06180Weapon
Short Spearw08180Weapon
Long Spearw09180Weapon
Lightbane Katanaw101220Weapon
Doom Warglaivew102220Weapon
Decimation Harpoonw103220Weapon
Sinister Ranseurw104220Weapon
Heartstriker Boww105220Weapon
Windstalker Boww106220Weapon
Malificent Maulw107220Weapon
Brutalizer Flailw108220Weapon
Caliban Bladew109220Weapon
Elven Spearw11180Weapon
Relic Rapierw110220Weapon
Dark Halberdw111Weapon
Divine Javelinw112Weapon
Old Guard Boww113220Weapon
Bow of Perilw114220Weapon
Black Arbalestw115Weapon
Elven Arbalestw116Weapon
Demon Hammerw118Weapon
Caliban Knifew119220Weapon
Relic Knifew120Weapon
Kitchen Knifew13180Weapon
Battle Knifew14180Weapon
Steel Daggerw15180Weapon
Silver Daggerw16180Weapon
Mithril Daggerw17180Weapon
Short Boww18180Weapon
Wooden Boww19180Weapon
Long Boww20180Weapon
Elven Boww21180Weapon
Forest Boww22180Weapon
Bone Clubw24180Weapon
Heavy Clubw25180Weapon
Steel Axew26180Weapon
Mithril Axew27180Weapon
Champion Swordw28180Weapon
Hunter Boww30180Weapon
War Hammerw31180Weapon
Hunter Daggerw32180Weapon
Thundersoul Swordw33200Weapon
Doomblade Swordw34200Weapon
Guard's Spearw36200Weapon
King's Defenderw37200Weapon
Raging Lancew38200Weapon
Composite Boww39200Weapon
Lightning Boww40200Weapon
Hailstorm Boww41200Weapon
Imperial Axew42200Weapon
Skull Crusherw43200Weapon
Dragon Macew44200Weapon
Ghost Daggerw45200Weapon
Lion Knifew46200Weapon
Griffin Knifew91220Weapon
Minotaur Swordw92220Weapon
Phoenix Swordw93220Weapon
Heavy Fauchardw94220Weapon
Meteor Boww96220Weapon
Nightfall Boww97220Weapon
Black Morningstarw98220Weapon
Maiming Bulawaw99220Weapon

Legacy List

Legacy master list of codes, previously manually maintained (collapsed, click "Expand" to show). It is currently not up-to-date!


  • u001 onwards are for enchanted and specials items in guild warehouse.
  • u100 to u121 are for enchanted and special items in player's storage.
- Number range is not restricted to maximum number of 121 only.
- There is evidence that the range reached u121.
- The u series of ID varies depending on the location (storage) of the item.
- Signed V. Card starts with ID u. It can be deposited into guild warehouse, but is weightless.
- Enchanted equipment and weapon has the same weight as their unenchanted counterparts. However, wrapping required might be different.
  • There is no Moon earloom.

Master List

Stock.png Basic resources
ID Item
01 Thread
02 Stick
03 Pelt
04 Bone
05 Coal
06 Charcoal
07 Powder
08 Iron Ore
09 Cloth
10 Silver Ore
11 Bauxite
12 Cord
13 Magic Stone
14 Wooden Shaft
15 Sapphire
16 Solvent
17 Ruby
18 Hardener
19 Steel
20 Leather
21 Bone Powder
22 String
23 Coke
24 Purified Powder
25 Silver Alloy
27 Steel Mold
28 Silver Mold
29 Blacksmith Frame
30 Artisan Frame
31 Rope
32 Silver Frame
33 Metal Plate
34 Metallic Fiber
35 Crafted Leather
Alchemy resources
ID Item
39 Stinky Sumac
40 Mercy Sassafras
41 Cliff Rue
42 Love Creeper
43 Wolf Root
44 Swamp Lavender
45 White Blossom
46 Ilaves
47 Ephijora
48 Storm Hyssop
49 Cave Garlic
50 Yellow Seed
51 Tecceagrass
52 Spring Bay Leaf
53 Ash Rosemary
54 Sanguine Parsley
55 Sun Tarragon
56 Maccunut
57 Dragon Seed
58 Queen's Pepper
59 Plasma of Abyss
60 Ultramarine Dust
61 Ethereal Bone
62 Itacory
63 Assassin Vine
64 Kloliarway
65 Astrulic
66 Flammia Nut
67 Plexisop
68 Mammoth Dill
69 Silver Dust
Miscellaneous items
ID Item
100 Pog.png Pouch of Gold
501 Wrap.png Wrapping
504 Wooden Arrow
505 Wooden Arrows Pack
506 Bottle of Remedy
507 Remedy Pack
508 Bottle of Poison
509 Poison Pack
510 Steel Arrow
511 Steel Arrows Pack
512 Silver Arrow
513 Silver Arrows Pack
518 Hay
519 Corn
520 Hamsters
521 Cheese
Equipment.png Protective Gear
ID Item
a01 Cloth Jacket
a02 Leather Shirt
a03 Chain Mail
a04 Book-red.png Silver Cuirass
a05 Book-red.png Mithril Armor
a06 Hat
a07 Leather Hood
a08 Steel Helmet
a09 Book-red.png Silver Helmet
a10 Book-red.png Mithril Helmet
a11 Sandals
a12 Leather Shoes
a13 Steel Boots
a14 Book-red.png Silver Boots
a15 Book-red.png Mithril Boots
a16 Gloves (Item)
a17 Leather Gloves
a18 Steel Gauntlets
a19 Book-red.png Silver Gauntlets
a20 Book-red.png Mithril Gauntlets
a21 Wooden Shield
a22 Skeleton Buckler
a23 Bronze Shield
a24 Book-red.png Silver Shield
a25 Book-red.png Mithril Shield
a26 Royal Guard Cape
a27 Book-green.png Order Armor
a28 Book-green.png Order Helmet
a29 Book-green.png Order Boots
a30 Book-green.png Order Gauntlets
a31 Book-green.png Order Shield
a32 Book-green.png Hunter Armor
a33 Book-green.png Hunter Helmet
a34 Book-green.png Hunter Boots
a35 Book-green.png Hunter Gloves
a36 Book-green.png Clarity Robe
a37 Book-green.png Clarity Circlet
a38 Book-green.png Clarity Shoes
a39 Book-green.png Clarity Bracers
a40 Pencil.png Pencil of Truth
a41 Bard's Cape
a45 Book-blue.png Crusader Armor
a46 Book-blue.png Crusader Helmet
a47 Book-blue.png Crusader Boots
a48 Book-blue.png Crusader Gauntlets
a49 Book-blue.png Crusader Shield
a50 Book-blue.png Royal Armor
a51 Book-blue.png Royal Helmet
a52 Book-blue.png Royal Boots
a53 Book-blue.png Royal Gauntlets
a54 Book-blue.png Royal Shield
a55 Book-blue.png Ghost Armor
a56 Book-blue.png Ghost Helmet
a57 Book-blue.png Ghost Boots
a58 Book-blue.png Ghost Gloves
a59 Book-blue.png Lion Armor
a60 Book-blue.png Lion Helmet
a61 Book-blue.png Lion Boots
a62 Book-blue.png Lion Gloves
a63 Book-blue.png Demon Robe
a64 Book-blue.png Demon Circlet
a65 Book-blue.png Demon Shoes
a66 Book-blue.png Demon Bracers
a67 Book-blue.png Divine Robe
a68 Book-blue.png Divine Circlet
a69 Book-blue.png Divine Shoes
a70 Book-blue.png Divine Bracers
a71 Book-blue.png Storm Cloak
a72 Book-blue.png Durable Cloak
a73 Book-blue.png Blessed Cloak
a75 Hiking Bag
Event items
ID Item
e1 Cocoa Powder
e2 Egg
e3 Flour
e4 Milk
e5 Sugar
e6 Cake.png Cake
e7 Cake.png Special Cake
e8 Cake.png Rare Cake
e9 Chocolate.png Chocolate
Pieces of Equipment
ID Item
k01 Champion Blade
k02 Trident Blade
k03 Hunter Shaft
k04 War Hammer Head
k05 Hunter Blade
k06 Order Armor Piece
k07 Order Helmet Fragment
k08 Order Boots Part
k09 Order Gauntlets Part
k10 Order Shield Part
k11 Hunter Armor Part
k12 Hunter Helmet Fragment
k13 Hunter Boots Part
k14 Hunter Gloves Part
k15 Clarity Robe Piece
k16 Clarity Circlet Fragment
k17 Clarity Shoes Part
k18 Clarity Bracers Part
k19 Thundersoul Blade
k20 Doomblade Blade
k21 Eclipse Blade
k22 Guard's Blade
k23 King's Defender Blade
k24 Raging Lance Blade
k25 Composite Bow Shaft
k26 Lightning Bow Shaft
k27 Hailstorm Bow Shaft
k28 Imperial Axe Head
k29 Skull Crusher Head
k30 Dragon Mace Head
k31 Ghost Blade
k32 Lion Blade
k33 Crusader Armor Piece
k34 Crusader Helmet Fragment
k35 Crusader Boots Part
k36 Crusader Gauntlets Part
k37 Crusader Shield Part
k38 Royal Armor Piece
k39 Royal Helmet Fragment
k40 Royal Boots Part
k41 Royal Gauntlets Part
k42 Royal Shield Part
k43 Ghost Armor Part
k44 Ghost Helmet Fragment
k45 Ghost Boots Part
k46 Ghost Gloves Part
k47 Lion Armor Part
k48 Lion Helmet Fragment
k49 Lion Boots Part
k50 Lion Gloves Part
k51 Demon Robe Piece
k52 Demon Circlet Fragment
k53 Demon Shoes Part
k54 Demon Bracers Part
k55 Divine Robe Piece
k56 Divine Circlet Fragment
k57 Divine Shoes Part
k58 Divine Bracers Part
k59 Storm Cloak Part
k60 Durable Cloak Part
k61 Blessed Cloak Part
ID Item
p01 Vial of Rage
p02 Potion of Rage
p03 Bottle of Rage
p04 Vial of Peace
p05 Potion of Peace
p06 Bottle of Peace
p07 Vial of Greed
p08 Potion of Greed
p09 Bottle of Greed
p10 Vial of Nature
p11 Potion of Nature
p12 Bottle of Nature
p13 Vial of Mana
p14 Potion of Mana
p15 Bottle of Mana
p16 Vial of Twilight
p17 Potion of Twilight
p18 Bottle of Twilight
p19 Vial of Morph
p20 Potion of Morph
p21 Bottle of Morph
pl1 Vial of Oblivion
pl3 Bottle of Oblivion
Recipe.png Recipes (Items)
ID Item
r01 Recipe.png Champion Sword Recipe
r02 Recipe.png Trident Recipe
r03 Recipe.png Hunter Bow Recipe
r04 Recipe.png War Hammer Recipe
r05 Recipe.png Hunter Dagger Recipe
r06 Recipe.png Order Armor Recipe
r07 Recipe.png Order Helmet Recipe
r08 Recipe.png Order Boots Recipe
r09 Recipe.png Order Gauntlets Recipe
r10 Recipe.png Order Shield Recipe
r11 Recipe.png Hunter Armor Recipe
r12 Recipe.png Hunter Helmet Recipe
r13 Recipe.png Hunter Boots Recipe
r14 Recipe.png Hunter Gloves Recipe
r15 Recipe.png Clarity Robe Recipe
r16 Recipe.png Clarity Circlet Recipe
r17 Recipe.png Clarity Shoes Recipe
r18 Recipe.png Clarity Bracers Recipe
r19 Recipe.png Thundersoul Sword Recipe
r20 Recipe.png Doomblade Sword Recipe
r21 Recipe.png Eclipse Recipe
r22 Recipe.png Guard's Spear Recipe
r23 Recipe.png King's Defender Recipe
r24 Recipe.png Raging Lance Recipe
r25 Recipe.png Composite Bow Recipe
r26 Recipe.png Lightning Bow Recipe
r27 Recipe.png Hailstorm Bow Recipe
r28 Recipe.png Imperial Axe Recipe
r29 Recipe.png Skull Crusher Recipe
r30 Recipe.png Dragon Mace Recipe
r31 Recipe.png Ghost Dagger Recipe
r32 Recipe.png Lion Knife Recipe
r33 Recipe.png Crusader Armor Recipe
r34 Recipe.png Crusader Helmet Recipe
r35 Recipe.png Crusader Boots Recipe
r36 Recipe.png Crusader Gauntlets Recipe
r37 Recipe.png Crusader Shield Recipe
r38 Recipe.png Royal Armor Recipe
r39 Recipe.png Royal Helmet Recipe
r40 Recipe.png Royal Boots Recipe
r41 Recipe.png Royal Gauntlets Recipe
r42 Recipe.png Royal Shield Recipe
r43 Recipe.png Ghost Armor Recipe
r44 Recipe.png Ghost Helmet Recipe
r45 Recipe.png Ghost Boots Recipe
r46 Recipe.png Ghost Gloves Recipe
r47 Recipe.png Lion Armor Recipe
r48 Recipe.png Lion Helmet Recipe
r49 Recipe.png Lion Boots Recipe
r50 Recipe.png Lion Gloves Recipe
r51 Recipe.png Demon Robe Recipe
r52 Recipe.png Demon Circlet Recipe
r53 Recipe.png Demon Shoes Recipe
r54 Recipe.png Demon Bracers Recipe
r55 Recipe.png Divine Robe Recipe
r56 Recipe.png Divine Circlet Recipe
r57 Recipe.png Divine Shoes Recipe
r58 Recipe.png Divine Bracers Recipe
r59 Recipe.png Storm Cloak Recipe
r60 Recipe.png Durable Cloak Recipe
r61 Recipe.png Blessed Cloak Recipe
ID Item
w01 Wooden Sword
w02 Short Sword
w03 Long Sword
w04 Widow Sword
w05 Book-red.png Knight's Sword
w06 Book-red.png Elven Sword
w07 Book-red.png Rapier
w08 Short Spear
w09 Long Spear
w10 Lance
w11 Book-red.png Elven Spear
w12 Book-red.png Halberd
w13 Kitchen Knife
w14 Battle Knife
w15 Steel Dagger
w16 Book-red.png Silver Dagger
w17 Book-red.png Mithril Dagger
w18 Short Bow
w19 Wooden Bow
w20 Long Bow
w21 Book-red.png Elven Bow
w22 Book-red.png Forest Bow
w23 Club
w24 Bone Club
w25 Heavy Club
w26 Book-red.png Steel Axe
w27 Book-red.png Mithril Axe
w28 Book-green.png Champion Sword
w29 Book-green.png Trident
w30 Book-green.png Hunter Bow
w31 Book-green.png War Hammer
w32 Book-green.png Hunter Dagger
w33 Book-blue.png Thundersoul Sword
w34 Book-blue.png Doomblade Sword
w35 Book-blue.png Eclipse
w36 Book-blue.png Guard's Spear
w37 Book-blue.png King's Defender
w38 Book-blue.png Raging Lance
w39 Book-blue.png Composite Bow
w40 Book-blue.png Lightning Bow
w41 Book-blue.png Hailstorm Bow
w42 Book-blue.png Imperial Axe
w43 Book-blue.png Skull Crusher
w44 Book-blue.png Dragon Mace
w45 Book-blue.png Ghost Dagger
w46 Book-blue.png Lion Knife
Enchantment.png Enchantment scrolls
ID Item
s01 Book-red.png Scroll of Rage (Red)
s02 Book-red.png Scroll of Peace (Red)
s03 Book-green.png Scroll of Rage (Green)
s04 Book-green.png Scroll of Peace (Green)
s05 Book-blue.png Scroll of Rage (Blue)
s06 Book-blue.png Scroll of Peace (Blue)
s07 Bookorange.png Scroll of Rage (Orange)[future item]
s08 Bookorange.png Scroll of Peace (Orange)[future item]
s11 Book-red.png Rare Scroll of Rage (Red)
s12 Book-red.png Rare Scroll of Peace (Red)
s13 Book-green.png Rare Scroll of Rage (Green)
s14 Book-green.png Rare Scroll of Peace (Green)
s15 Book-blue.png Rare Scroll of Rage (Blue)
s16 Book-blue.png Rare Scroll of Peace (Blue)
s17 Bookorange.png Rare Scroll of Rage (Orange)[future item]
s18 Bookorange.png Rare Scroll of Peace (Orange)[future item]
ID Item
bx1 Present.png Assistant Box
bx3 Zombie Box
ch1 Zombie Chest
er Elder's Recommendation
hk Hunter Kit
key Key.png Key
pap Accuracy Pill
pgs Garlic Stew
phw Holy Water
pmp Monster Pheromones
psb Silver Blood
pvd Vial of Defiance
tch Torch
tde Deer.png Deerhorn Earloom
tdr Dragon.png Dragonscale Earloom
thi Eagle.png Highnest Earloom
tlt Loyalty Trophy
tpo Potato.png Potato Earloom
tsh Shark.png Sharkteeth Earloom
two Wolf.png Wolfpack Earloom
vc ValentinesCard.png Valentine's Card
u001-u121 enchanted/special items/signed VC