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The Hat is a piece of Protective Gear of the type Helmet.


A head enveloping, animal fur covered, hat similar to an ushanka or papakha, it cups your head and covers your ears for warmth. Black in color, it has a furry exterior with a circular cap ontop. It doesn’t do much for protection, but it's better than nothing.


Properties of Hat
Identifier code a06
Type Protective Gear, Helmet, T0 (No Expertise)
Weight 190
Depositable in Guild (needed Wrapping) yes (1)
Event item no
Craftable no
Tradeable (Auction) no
Shop prices (buy / sell) 1link={{{link}}} / 0link={{{link}}}
Attribute Value
Attack +0 link={{{link}}}
Defense +1 link={{{link}}}
Mana +0 link={{{link}}}
Health +0 link={{{link}}}
Skill Armor Mastery
Level Requirement 0
Enchantment Slot no