Silver Dagger

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The Silver Dagger is a Weapon of the type Dagger.


With a shimmer under light, the higher quality metal twinkles with wealth. About 7 and sharpened on both sides, the short blade is a good backup. Normally attached at the hip or tucked in a boot, most people opt for a dagger sidearm. Some experienced warriors even apply an acid to add dazzling colors, and case harden the knife.


Properties of Silver Dagger
Identifier code w16
Type Weapon, Dagger, T1 (link={{{link}}})
Weight 180
Depositable in Guild (needed Wrapping) yes (1)
Event item no
Craftable no
Tradeable (Auction) yes
Shop prices (buy / sell) 311link={{{link}}} / 93link={{{link}}}
Attribute Value
Attack +5 link={{{link}}}
Defense +0 link={{{link}}}
Mana +0 link={{{link}}}
Health +0 link={{{link}}}
Skill Dagger Mastery
Level Requirement 15 (link={{{link}}})
Enchantment Slot yes (link={{{link}}})