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The Rapier is a Weapon of the type Sword.


Silver is wrapped over an iron core to give a neat appearance but strength for heavy duty use. About 4 foot long and thin, the sword is popular for half-swording, where the blade is gripped to increase control, and used like a knife. The blade is as popular for combat as it is for sport, where some dulled down swords are used in fencing.


Properties of Rapier
Identifier code w07
Type Weapon, Sword, T1 (link={{{link}}})
Weight 180
Depositable in Guild (needed Wrapping) yes (1)
Event item no
Craftable no
Tradeable (Auction) yes
Shop prices (buy / sell) 3,100link={{{link}}} / 930link={{{link}}}
Attribute Value
Attack +27 link={{{link}}}
Defense +0 link={{{link}}}
Mana +0 link={{{link}}}
Health +0 link={{{link}}}
Skill Sword Mastery
Level Requirement 15 (link={{{link}}})
Enchantment Slot yes (link={{{link}}})
Enchant Levels
Level link={{{link}}} link={{{link}}} (total)
1 +1 +1
2 +1 +2
3 +1 +3
4 +1 +4