Order Shield

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link={{{link}}} Info: Order Shield
Corresponding Skill Crafting (Skill)
Skill level required 3
Mana 150 Mana.png
Chatcommand /c_a31
Ingredient (ID) Amount
Order Shield Recipe (r10) 1
Order Shield Part (k10) 3
Silver Alloy (25) 15
Coke (23) 7
Metal Plate (33) 7
Silver Mold (28) 1

The Order Shield is a Weapon of the type Shield. Unlike other weapons the Order Shield is listed under Equipment in the shop and not weapons, but it uses the Off Hand Weapon slot to be equipped, as all other weapons do. It was added to the game with the April 3, 2018 update.

The handcrafted shield features an emblazoned emblem of your castle's symbol in gold thread, inserted into the small depths of an etching. The gold twinkles out from the bronze like overlay of the shield, triangle in shape. It sharply bends downwards, and raises in the corners to provide a wide area of protection for the castle defenders.

The handcrafted shield features an emblazoned emblem of your castle's symbol in gold thread, inserted into the small depths of an etching. The gold twinkles out from the bronze like overlay of the shield, triangle in shape. It sharply bends downwards, and raises in the corners to provide a wide area of protection for the castle defenders.


Properties of Order Shield
Identifier code a31
Type Weapon, Shield, T2 (link={{{link}}})
Weight 180
Depositable in Guild yes
Event item no
Craftable yes
Tradeable (Auction) yes
Shop prices (buy / sell) Can't be bought / 239link={{{link}}}
Attribute Value
Attack +0 link={{{link}}}
Defense +10 link={{{link}}}
Mana +0 link={{{link}}}
Skill Shield Mastery
Level Requirement 25 (link={{{link}}})
Enchantment Slot yes (link={{{link}}})
Enchant Levels
Level link={{{link}}} link={{{link}}} (total)
1 +1 +1
2 +1 +2
3 +1 +3
4 +1 +4


The Order Shield is not sold in the Castle Shop. It can be obtained by buying it via the Auction from other players for Pouches of Gold or by crafting it.


The Order Shield can be crafted with the skill Crafting (Skill) on level 3.

This is only possible for blacksmiths, so it requires either being a Blacksmith with this skill or buying it from a Blacksmith Shop with the complete list of necessary items in the inventory.

Bill of Materials

Basic resources sum:
120x Bone
81x Powder
15x Magic Stone
17x Silver Ore
51x Iron Ore
27x Charcoal
27x Coal
27x Stick
Mana Cost: 1170link={{{link}}} (Ingredients: 1020link={{{link}}} / Item: 150link={{{link}}})

Total stock weight of basic resources: 433link={{{link}}}, stock weight of finished item: 180link={{{link}}}