Combat Potion

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Combat potion is the umbrella term for alchemist's potions that can be equipped in the Off Hand Weapon slot. Similiar to ranger's arrows, they are consumable items. Fighting with combat potions equipped will consume 1-2 potions per fight in the arena or in the Battle of the Seven Castles. While every player can equip combat potions, only alchemists profit from a considerable buff of those potions with the skill Combat Potion Mastery.

List of Combat Potions

Combat potion Effect
Bottle of Remedy Healing other players: Increases base stats by 5%
Bottle of Poison Poisoning other players: Decreases base stats by 5%


  • Effects are rounded down to the nearest integer before applied.
  • Effect applied is always >1, therefore minimum effect applied is ±1. (refer to Example 1 below)
  • Percentage of multiple effects do not stack, instead they are independently calculated and stacked. (refer to Example 3 below)
  • A potion's effect can be negated by its opposite potion's effect. (refer to Example 4 below)


Consider a player with base stats Attack.png Atk:15 Defend.png Def:75, each of the following examples show how different scenarios regarding combat potions will be shown on the player's battle report.

Example 1: Potion of Remedy affecting the player

Dragon.pngSaitama Attack.png:16(+1) Defend.png:78(+3) Lvl:xx
Your result on the battlefield:
 Experience.png Exp: 11
 Gold.png Gold: 0

You were healed by Mercy
  • For attack stat, 5% of 15 is 0.75, when rounded down it is 0. But minimum effect applied is 1, therefore (+1) on attack.
  • For defence stat, 5% of 75 is 3.75, when rounded down it is 3. Therefore (+3) on defence.

Example 2: Potion of Poison affecting the player

Dragon.pngSaitama Attack.png:14(-1) Defend.png:72(-3) Lvl:xx
Your result on the battlefield:
 Experience.png Exp: 8
 Gold.png Gold: 0

You were poisoned by Venomancer
  • Calculations are similar to Example 1.

Example 3: Multiple poisons affecting the player

Dragon.pngSaitama Attack.png:12(-3) Defend.png:66(-9) Lvl:xx
Your result on the battlefield:
 Experience.png Exp: 5
 Gold.png Gold: 0

You were poisoned by Venomancer
You were poisoned by Salty
You were poisoned by Your Ego
  • For attack stat, effect of one poison is (-1), since the player is poisoned x3 effect applied is (-3) on attack.
  • For defence stat, similarly effect of one poison is (-3), therefore effect applied is (-9) on defence.

Example 4: Opposite combat potions affecting the player

Dragon.pngSaitama Attack.png:15 Defend.png:75 Lvl:xx
Your result on the battlefield:
 Experience.png Exp: 10
 Gold.png Gold: 0

You were healed by Mercy
You were poisoned by Salty
  • Effect of x1 Potion of Remedy is negated by x1 Potion of Poison.