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Forest Forest.png is a quest that can be done right from the start of the game. Starting this quest costs 1 Stamina.png Stamina. Forest is, especially in the beginning, the main source of experience for a player. Masters and all master classes (Collector, Blacksmith, Alchemist) have a chance to find the Book-red.png Tier 1 scrolls needed to enchant equipment.

Quest description

Many things can happen in the forest.
In a dire need for an adventure, you went to a forest. You'll be back in 5 minutes.

The quest takes five minutes of time during the times morning Times-morning.png, day Times-day.png, and evening Times-evening.png, and seven minutes at night Times-night.png. At night, this time can be decreased by 1 minute, if the player equips a torch in his Off Hand Weapon slot.

Forest adventure texts


In the forest you stumbled upon a pond of crystal clear water with Incredibly beautiful carps swimming inside. Just think about it! Those fish could live longer than an average warrior! After admiring the carps you achieved an inner harmony, and came back later to clean the pond from all sorts of "garbage". Some things could come in handy in your workshop.
In the lush thicket the path became barely distinguishable. Luckily, the trees ended before you got lost completely. You even managed to find some gold in an old tree hollow.
Somewhere in the forest you saw an internet troll. He turned out to be a fat and slow creature, so you easily defeated him. What does "internet" mean, anyway? You wondered about that for a few seconds, but then you saw the contents of the troll's coin purse and the thought vanished.
In the forest you found a rare mushroom species that you could sell to some local alchemists.
As you were walking through the forest, you met a spider-man. You slew the beast and took its web gland as a trophy.
As you were strolling through the forest, you found a drunk scientist and a little kid swearing at each other. But before you could approach them, they disappeared into thin air. As you came closer to investigate you found a pickle that you sold to Jerry, the local merchant.
This event text is a reference to the tv series
Snares and traps, placed far away from the road, indicated that hunters earned their living in those places. Having spotted a quail in a snare, you reasoned that it wouldn't cost the hunters anything if you set  it free, as the bird was so small, you couldn’t eat it anyway. Besides, there were all sorts of small items near the traps, so it was a win-win situation.
In the deep shadows of trees you noticed ancient ruins, covered in either moss or some algae. In such darkness, you failed to distinguish what kind of ruins they were. But in order to make up for it you managed to find a couple of interesting things to take home.
You stumbled upon a man wielding a sword near a campfire.
-Why are you armed?
You laughed, he laughed, the campfire laughed. You killed the campfire. Fun times.
You came across a man with an arrow in his knee. You helped him, and he taught you some ancient gibberish. The moment you said the last word, he was hit by sudden blast of wind and ended up impaled on a tree branch. Weird.
Suddenly you were surrounded by a huge band of orcs, led by an orc shaman. They demanded you give them everything you have. You killed every single one of them and collected a lot of loot.
In the forest you met a beautiful woman. You became suspicious that she was out here all alone, so you robbed her just in case.
Deep in the forest you found a hole. And in that hole lived a hobbit. Unfortunately, in this universe, hobbits are a kind of rabbits. So you skinned it and made yourself a hat.
Under the twisted shadows of the trees, you found a little wolf cub with a scar on its face. Being kind hearted, you took it with you. One night, little cub disappeared, but you found some gold on your doorstep. The local fool kept telling everyone that he saw a big white wolf taking your cub with it to the forest.
In your journey you have reached a dark cave, where you met the Devil himself. You seized the opportunity and sold your soul for a handful of money. When you returned home you realized you didn't have a soul to start with.
In the forest you made friends with a small green goblin who taught you how to use the force. Unfortunately by the time you returned home you have already forgotten how to use that ancient art.
This event text is a reference to
You saw a huge wooden horse near the edge of the forest. Fortunately you studied history and resisted the urge to bring it with you to the castle.
This event text is a reference to
You met a guy who asked you to shoot him in the face. You shot him in the face. On his cold corpse you found some gold.
In the forest you encountered a body of a dwarf with a lion engraved on his shirt and a bag of gold lying next to him. It looks like he fell from the sky. You took the gold and left the body alone.
You found a crypt in an old cemetery where some humans and dwarves were drinking booze. They invited you in and offered a sip. That was the tastiest mandrake liquor you ever tasted, and the host was kind enough to provide a recipe. You sold it to the local pub, but they couldn't replicate it.
The forest was impenetrable to the sunlight. A long walk through it made you ponder over the meaning of life. As a result you became slightly wiser. In addition, you found a tenner in your inside pocket, which have been left there since last season.
In the forest you met a strange creature who was mumbling about his "precious" and was scared of sunlight. It was poor mad Andy Serkis. You stole his wedding ring and sold it to a merchant. Strangely the merchant was never seen again.
This is a reference to the character Gollum from
In the deep shadows of trees you noticed ancient ruins, covered in either moss or some algae. In such darkness, you failed to distinguish what kind of ruins they were. But in order to make up for it you managed to find a couple of interesting things to take home.
”The faery forest glimmered beneath the ivory moon,
the silver grasses shimmered against a faery tune.
Beneath the silken silence the crystal branches slept,
and dreaming thro’ the dew wall. The cold white blossoms wept.”
Forest fairies were impressed by your poem and invited you to their hideout. They should not have done that. You took the chance and decided to kill them and claim their treasures. Poor fairies.
You have killed Harambe in the forest. You are a terrible person.
This is a reference to the


Statistically speaking, you come back empty handed from every third adventure in the forest. Seems like you drew your lucky ticket. You came back from the forest. And guess what? Nothing interesting happened.
In the forest you met a redhead woman. Now you know nothing. You returned home empty handed.
This is a reference to
You've stepped into a pile of dung. Now you stink. Nothing else happened.
It was a really nice and sunny day, so you sat under a tree and enjoyed the weather...