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Each player is member of a castle Castle.png that is chosen at the begin of the game. The character is Level.png level 1 and will level up with experience Experience.png gained from quests Quests.png or in the later part of the games by other sources. Typing /me or pressing the Level.pngMe button shows the basic information of a player:


Battle of the seven castles in 2h 35 minutes!
Butterfly.png StrongWarrior Knight of Butterfly Castle
Level.png Level: 17
Attack.png Atk: 42 Defend.png Def: 23
Experience.png 8314/8682
Stamina.png 2/5 Timer.png 22min
Mana.png 170/170
Gold.png 77 Pog.png 3
Equipment.png +21 Attack.png + 13 Defend.png Bag.png 2/15
State: Rest.png Rest
More: /hero