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The rating of a player's performance in the arena fights is an indicator for the strength of a player and influences the choice of opponents in arena fights.

Rating mechanism

While the exact math behind the player's rating is not known, it is assumed to use an implementation of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system. The player's strength is not an absolute value but a number in comparison to other player's numbers. The higher the rating, the better is the performance of the player.


The bot provides two different lists with rankings. The one showing the rating of a player and the corresponding rank is accessible with /top5. The following output is an hypothetical output of this command:

Combat Ranking:
Level.png # 1 Dinosaur.png Iron Man Glory.png 2093.2
   # 2 Dinosaur.png Batman  Glory.png2064.4
   # 3 Butterfly.png  Silver Surfer  Glory.png 2062.8
   # 4 Dinosaur.png Thor  Glory.png 2030.4
   # 5 Butterfly.png  Hulk  Glory.png 2024.6
   # 6 Butterfly.png Captain America  Glory.png2022.4
   # 7 Dinosaur.png  Wonder Woman Glory.png 2021.4
   # 8 Butterfly.png Electra  Glory.png 2021
   # 9 Dinosaur.png Superman  Glory.png 2005.7
   # 10 Butterfly.png Flash  Glory.png 2004.8
   # 38 Butterfly.png Green Lantern  Glory.png 1924.7
   # 39 Dinosaur.png Deadpool  Glory.png 1924
   # 40 Dinosaur.png Ant Man  Glory.png 1919.6

The command /top6 shows the ranking about the highest gain of a player's ranking in the last week:

Level.png # 1 Dinosaur.png The Joker Glory.png 311
   # 2 Dinosaur.png Venom  Glory.png 299
   # 3 Butterfly.png  Ultron  Glory.png 287
   # 4 Dinosaur.png Loki  Glory.png 286
   # 5 Butterfly.png  Dormammu  Glory.png 285
   # 6 Butterfly.png Malekith  Glory.png 283
   # 7 Dinosaur.png  Magneto Glory.png 250
   # 8 Butterfly.png Dr Octopus  Glory.png 247
   # 9 Dinosaur.png Green Goblin  Glory.png 244
   # 10 Butterfly.png Bane  Glory.png 230
   # 38 Butterfly.png Red Skull  Glory.png 187
   # 39 Dinosaur.png The Joker  Glory.png 179
   # 40 Dinosaur.png Venom  Glory.png 175