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The class Blacksmith is one of the support-oriented classes in the game and can be chosen after reaching level 20 with the prerequesite of having decided on Master at level 10.


Prefered equipment: blunt, light armor.

The Attack/Defend ratio is ~45%/55%.


  • Craft - Can craft equipment
  • Bonus Experience from crafting
  • Less stock lost in castle breach
  • Extra: Exchange trading slot, storage space (Another trading slot, and more storage space)
  • Chance to craft extra items
  • Chance to save ressources during crafting

Blacksmith Shops

For the main article, see Blacksmith Shop.


Skill Skill description
Weapon Mastery Advancing this skill increases bonus granted to stats.
Armor Mastery Advancing this skill increases bonus granted to stats.
Labeling Advancing this skill increases the size of your stock.
Crafting (Skill) Advancing this skill allows you to craft more complicated items.
Collection Advancing this skill increases the amount of resources found.
Educated Technician Advancing this skill increases the daily limit for bonus experience you gain from crafting
Smart Explorer Advancing this skill increases the daily limit for bonus experience you gain from finding extra items.
Hamster Advancing this skill decreases the amount of stock you lose upon your castle being breached.
Robe Armor Mastery Advancing this skill increases bonus granted to stats.
Blacksmith Wonders Advancing this skill increases the chance to craft an extra item.
Blunt Mastery Advancing this skill increases bonus granted to stats.
Broker Advancing this skill increases maximum number of stock exchange deals.
Natural Talent Advancing this skill increases the amount of mana you have.
Work To Standards Advancing this skill increases the chance and the amount of materials saved while crafting.

Skill Caps

Skill / Level 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Weapon Mastery
Armor Mastery
Crafting (Skill)
Educated Technician
Smart Explorer
Robe Armor Mastery
Blacksmith Wonders
Blunt Mastery
Natural Talent
Work To Standards