31 PoG

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31 pog describes the first and most notable case of money laundering (Pouch of gold transfer) attempts that got struck down by the devs. A player of Deerhorn Castle attempted to buy an Order Gauntlets Part in the auction house for 31 pouches of gold, which is far above the usual market price of 1 to 2 pouches at that time.

The Incident

This incident happened on the 12th of April and it resulted in the devs banning ("urning") the buyer and cancelling the transaction.

The transaction in question after the buyer got banned and the offer got cancelled:

Lot #9068 : Order Gauntlets part
Seller: 🥔 strYkzz
Current price: 31 pouch(es)
Buyer: ⚱️
End At: 09 Lenzin 1060 22:30
Status: Cancelled

A special quest result text that references this incident was also added for Forest, Swamp and Valley:

Somewhere in the forest, you encounter a deer who stops you and asks if you wish to make a trade- your lunchbox for her 31 pouches of gold. Before you could say a word, an urn smashes the poor deer.