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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Like any other spear, a head is cast and attached to a polearm for grip. Except, the head and pole are one piece, with wood added later for detail and grip. The head is shaped in an X shape, with sharp blades angled to make hooks, daring to be yanked out of an enemy.. Most wooden grips are dyed to represent castle colors.  +
Made from Crafted Leather, the boots have the complexity of normal metal based boots but the simplicity of leather. Cut and shaped, the dyed snow white boots envelop the users foot and sparkle lightly, freshly filed Sapphire worked into the Crafted Leather. Sewn down the medial side and matching.  +
Made from Crafted Leather, the gloves are similar to that of normal gloves, except for the outwards facing offensive claws. In reality, sapphire outcrops c claws rest along the topside of the finger and outwards, reweaponizing a warrior who had lost their weapon.  +
Matching the armor of the same name, the Lion Knife has a lion theme. About 8 inches long and rocking a clip point blade, it yells for a challenger. Two lion heads sit on each side of the hilt for intimidation, rather than gems for being flashly. The golden hilt is made from real gold, glazed with a gloss to help prevent damage to the weak metal.  +
Modifiers: Heavy Armor Mastery↑ 0.50 Per enchant  +
Motivated from the barbarians that wielded them, the War Hammer has been modified for mass production and longer use. The hammer sits upon a wooden pole with iron plates for grip, the dull triangles used to bash and decimate armor and shields alike. Due to the lower quality materials, its a favorite among those who need to repair weapons quickly.  +
Much like the matching armor, the Hunter Bow aims for lightweight use. Mithril is forged with iron internals, to allow more flexibility rather than having a solid piece of metal bend, and roped off with a thicker piece of metal twine. Being too strong for Wooden Arrows, Steel Arrows are recommended for use.  +
Nicknamed Eclipse, the blade resembles that of a Khopesh. It starts off straight, before turning away from the user in a reverse sickle shape. The sword follows traditional design, but reforged in iron, as the resource is better compared to the normal bronze. Useful for getting behind shields, anyone who uses it is well rehearsed on the benefits.  +
Nicknamed the Storm Cloak due to an accident in a thunderstorm, the Storm Cloak is a favorite among assassins. Essentially a reinforced Royal Cape, it has a newly attached hood and metal weave to the inside. Capable of stopping some arrows and most dagger strikes, many people enjoy the added protection.  +
Oak planks are sanded and treated with oil to resist water before being laid side by side. Laying vertically, two horizontal boards are added and then nailed to hold the wood together. Leather straps are fastened to the supporting wood, intended to be worn on the arm. Cheap and low quality, youre almost better off without the extra weight.  +
Only for those who have mastered the short sword, and have the willpower and talent to carry a longer blade into battle. 4 feet of iron ontop of a sturdy horizontal cross guard, with a braided, wrapped handle. Lacking a holster, it's upon the user to find a way to sheath and contain the weapon when not in use.  +
Perhaps the fastest firing bow for its tier, it's nicknamed lightning respectively. Cleanly releasing energy on firing, and able to be drawn back 25% further than the Composite or Hailstorm bow, it prides itself in being able to punch through most armors. Featuring a 'tier' like design, the ripples help conserve energy in the frame.  +
Popular among horse riding Princes of the castle, the long, thin rod is great for spearing at high speeds. Sadly, you aren't a Prince. A 5 foot pole decorated with white and red paint in a twisting motion reminds you of the yearly parades. Great for forcing an enemy to keep their distance, a user is easily overwhelmed if the gap is closed.  +
Rather than blend lighter, the Royal Armor is hardened. Mixing Mithril, Order Armor, and the new metallic fiber results in a new, thicker armor type the color of a starry night, like Catalina Blue. Metallic fiber is layered in the metal like concrete in rebar, providing the power to defend the walls, when all seems lost.  +
Raw animal hide skinned and tanned, to create a vest like wrap to defend the user. Brown in color and one uniform piece, its better than mere fabric, but animal skin only goes so far.  +
Shinier than any iron or steel, silver is the choice of those who have the skill to use it, but lack the funds for a Mithril. The gray metal is heated up and folded several times, in the shape of a kite. Raised on the top edges and lowered in the middle of the bottom half, it easily protects the user from ranged and melee alike.  +
Silver is wrapped over an iron core to give a neat appearance but strength for heavy duty use. About 4 foot long and thin, the sword is popular for half-swording, where the blade is gripped to increase control, and used like a knife. The blade is as popular for combat as it is for sport, where some dulled down swords are used in fencing.  +
Similar to a Lion Helmet, except wolf like. A steel helmet is made as a base, before a fake mouth and skull are formed and added. With fur, it resembles a wolf's head. Offering all around protection intimidation even without a full set, many users value the animalistic style of this helmet. Users are advised to avoid adding silver trim, however.  +
Similar to regular Gloves, they appear to be made of wool. Except, having 2 layers of Metallic Fiber and 3 layers of Crafted Leather spun thin as twine, and dyed white and sprinkled with filed Sapphire for a glittery effect. Similar to a trick, anyone who fails to recognize this type of glove is in for a real treat, or a stabbing.  +
Similar to the Lance in the castle shop, except overhauled. Black and red twisted metal over a wooden base house several hooks facing the tip. When forced inside someone, the forward facing barbs help mince and grasp at flesh as it's inserted. The vamplate now has a leather hand wrap, helping the user not lose their torturous weapon in combat.  +