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Revision as of 18:07, 22 August 2018 by LuGam (talk | contribs) (updated page to have all the new cool stuff)
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List of all properties for items

<!-- Set iteminfo -->
| ItemID=
| CraftCommand=
| note=

| BoolEventItem=

<!--please choose: Weapon/Cape/Protective Gear/Piece of Equipment/Recipe (Item)/Consumable/Resource/Misc/Special Equippable-->
| ItemType=
<!--please choose: Sword/Spear/Dagger/Bow/Shield/Blunt/Helmet/Armor/Gloves/Boots-->
| ItemSubType=
<!--please choose: Heavy Armor/Robe Armor/Light Armor-->
| ArmorClass=

<!--add numbers-->
| Attack=
| Defense=
| Mana=
| Weight=
<!--Stats of special event items/reward items-->
| Stamina=
| InventoryIncrease=
| Luck=

<!--For potions, “min” for minutes, “h” for hours-->
| BaseDuration=
| Wrapping=

| LevelEquipRequirement=
| BoolEnchantment=
<!--e.g. Type of arrows needed-->
| Ammunition=

| BoolDepositGuild=
| ShopSellPrice=
| ShopBuyPrice=

| BoolExchange=
| BoolAuction=
| BoolCraft=

<!--Choose: Crafting (Skill)/Alchemy (Skill)-->
| SkillCraft=
| SkillCraftLevel=
| ManaCrafting=
<!--Choose: Workshop or Alchemy for CraftIcon-->
| CraftIcon=

| BoolQuest=
| PerceptionLevel=
<!-- Minimum level players need to have not regarding perception level (eg level 40 for bauxite)-->
| PlayerQuestMinLevel=

<!--All QuestXXX are boolean, used for “can be found then and there”-->
| QuestForestMorning=
| QuestForestDay=
| QuestForestEvening=
| QuestForestNight=

| QuestSwampMorning=
| QuestSwampDay=
| QuestSwampEvening=
| QuestSwampNight=

| QuestValleyMorning=
| QuestValleyDay=
| QuestValleyEvening=
| QuestValleyNight=

| QuestForayMorning=
| QuestForayDay=
| QuestForayEvening=
| QuestForayNight=

<!-- Enchantment atk bonus (increment, not total) -->
| EnchantAtk1=
| EnchantAtk2=
| EnchantAtk3=
| EnchantAtk4=

<!-- Enchantment def bonus (increment, not total) -->
| EnchantDef1=
| EnchantDef2=
| EnchantDef3=
| EnchantDef4=

 |Crafting ingredient=
 |Crafting ingredient=
 |Crafting ingredient=
 |Crafting ingredient=
 |Crafting ingredient=
 |Crafting ingredient=
 |Crafting ingredient=
 |Crafting ingredient=
 |Crafting ingredient=
 |Crafting ingredient=

Example properties (taken from Champion Sword

<!-- Set iteminfo -->
| ItemID=w28
| CraftCommand=/craft_w28
| note=finished

| BoolEventItem=false

<!--please choose: Weapon/Cape/Protective Gear/Piece of Equipment/Recipe (Item)/Consumable/Resource/Misc-->
| ItemType=Weapon
<!--please choose: Sword/Spear/Dagger/Shield/Blunt/Helmet/Armor/Gloves/Boots-->
| ItemSubType=Sword
<!--please choose: Heavy Armor/Robe Armor/Light Armor-->
| ArmorClass=

<!--add numbers-->
| Attack=31
| Defense=0
| Mana=0
| Weight=180
<!--Stats of special event items/reward items-->
| Stamina=0
| InventoryIncrease=0
| Luck=0

<!--For potions, “min” for minutes, “h” for hours-->
| BaseDuration=
| Wrapping=2

| LevelEquipRequirement=25
| BoolEnchantment=true
<!--e.g. Type of arrows needed-->
| Ammunition=

| BoolDepositGuild=true
| ShopSellPrice=1488
| ShopBuyPrice=

| BoolExchange=false
| BoolAuction=true
| BoolCraft=true

<!--Choose: Crafting (Skill)/Alchemy (Skill)-->
| SkillCraft=Crafting (Skill)
| SkillCraftLevel=3
| ManaCrafting=150
<!--Choose: Workshop or Alchemy for CraftIcon-->
| CraftIcon=Workshop

| BoolQuest=false
| PerceptionLevel=
<!-- Minimum level players need to have not regarding perception level (eg level 40 for bauxite)-->
| PlayerQuestMinLevel=

<!--All QuestXXX are boolean, used for “can be found then and there”-->
| QuestForestMorning=
| QuestForestDay=
| QuestForestEvening=
| QuestForestNight=

| QuestSwampMorning=
| QuestSwampDay=
| QuestSwampEvening=
| QuestSwampNight=

| QuestValleyMorning=
| QuestValleyDay=
| QuestValleyEvening=
| QuestValleyNight=

| QuestForayMorning=
| QuestForayDay=
| QuestForayEvening=
| QuestForayNight=

<!-- Enchantment atk bonus (increment, not total) -->
| EnchantAtk1=2
| EnchantAtk2=2
| EnchantAtk3=2
| EnchantAtk4=2

<!-- Enchantment def bonus (increment, not total) -->
| EnchantDef1=
| EnchantDef2=
| EnchantDef3=
| EnchantDef4=

 |Crafting ingredient=Champion Sword Recipe
 |Crafting ingredient=Champion Blade
 |Crafting ingredient=Ruby
 |Crafting ingredient=Steel Mold
 |Crafting ingredient=Coke
 |Crafting ingredient=Metal Plate
 |Crafting ingredient=Silver Alloy
 |Crafting ingredient=Hardener
 |Crafting ingredient=
 |Crafting ingredient=