Unringing a Bell

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The skill Unringing a Bell is an advanced skill for Blacksmiths and unlocks at level 50. It allows to divide craftable resources back to the original ingredient resources.


In-game description: You are the only one capable of unringing that darn bell. Use /use_uc (resource code) (quantity)


In-game effect description: Advancing this skill increases the amount of resources returned.

Skill caps

Note: Data points to help fill this section:

L5 at lvl70


Tests showed a 20.5% chance of success at L1 (24/117 tries succeeded).

Tests showed a 65% chance of success at L5 (35 of 100 tries were unsuccessful).

Due to how the skill is implemented, when uncrafting only a single item, if the operation fails, neither materials nor mana are consumed. If uncrafting in bulk, all materials are consumed no matter how many operations failed.

First tests showed an uncrafting material rate (if successful) at L5 of roughly 1.4 Materials out of a 4 Material recipe, so a rate of around 35% of materials.