Game updates/2018-04-03

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Revision as of 19:09, 19 April 2018 by GrumpyGecko (talk | contribs)
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Advanced Crafting

Long awaited advanced crafting is finally here and it's time to upgrade your outfit! Look out for the new recipes and fragments, gather your resources and go get yourself a new weapon and armor.

New Quests

Are you tired of "a nice, sunny days" and walking to that damn forest again and again? Then, there are two brand new quest locations for you! Players of level 20 and above can go on dangerous adventures in the Swamp or the Mountain Valley and find valuable spoils!

Craftsmen Market

You are an alchemist or a blacksmith who feels a bit useless since professions were released? Now we have an update for your crafting skills to be recognised - you can build your own shop and provide crafting and brewing services to the other warriors! For more details, see /myshop in @chtwrsbot (only available to Blacksmiths and Alchemists)