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Revision as of 19:53, 2 February 2025

With the June 25th, 2023 game update, the :Blackbook: T6 items were released. T6 gear can be categorized in two categories, mostly called T6.0 and T6.5. T6.0 gear is more focused on encounter fights - the protective gear gives Health.png HP, the weapons give more damage. T6.5 protective gear gives no Health.png HP, but instead in exchange a trade of +3 Attack.png, -3 Defend.png for Light armor, -3 Attack.png, +3 Defend.png for Heavy armor and Robe armor gets more Mana.png Mana.

Armor Sets

Light Armor

:Blackbook: T6.0: Destiny Armor Set
:Blackbook: T6.5: Destroyer Armor Set

Heavy Armor

:Blackbook: T6.0: Giant Armor Set
:Blackbook: T6.5: Monument Armor Set

Robe Armor

:Blackbook: T6.0: Sunfire Armor Set
:Blackbook: T6.5: Majestic Armor Set