Edit Item: Ripheokam

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General info
Item ID: ID of the item, see Master List of Item Codes
In-game name: Name of the item as written in the game bot (Including Emojis as Unicode Emojis)
Is event item? If item is event exclusive or not
Name: From which event this item comes from (name of the wiki page)
Item type:
Item subtype:
Armor class (type):
Detailed Description (Flavor Text): Enter the detailed description (flavor text) of the item that sometimes shows up when equipping it.
Note: Add note to current edit status of this page, e.g. "Finished", "needs error checking", "Drop info missing", ...
Equippable item stats (Enter numbers only)
Attack: Value of the attack stat
Defense: Value of the defense stat
Mana: Value of the mana stat (This is NOT the mana needed to craft an item) - Always enter this even if it gives 0 Mana
Health: Value of the health stat - Always enter this even if it gives 0 Health
Stamina: Value of the stamina stat, i.e. how much extra (maximum) stamina the item gives (leave empty if not applicable)
Inventory increase: Value of the inventory stat, i.e. how much extra inventory space the item gives (leave empty if not applicable)
Luck: Value of the luck stat (leave empty if not applicable)
Potion info
Base duration: Effect duration in minutes (without Rare Mutation)
Effect (for Potions): Effect description
Cooking Ingredient Map Movement
Map Movements (order is important!): WIP
Weight: Weight in storage
Wrapping: Number of wrappings needed to wrap item
Level equip requirement: Minimum player level for item to be equipped. For recipes and parts enter the requirement of the finished item.
Ammunition used: Select with Ctrl-Click to select more than one, or to deselect all.
Depositable in guild:
Shop price, buying:
Shop price, selling:
Can be traded in exchange?
Can be traded in auction?
Text addition first paragraph: Add non-standardized/more detailed information to this page in the first paragraph. Will (likely) be displayed in the Wiki bot preview.
Quest & Drop Info
Is findable in Quest?
Minimum Player level to find in Quest: Enter only if it's just the level as a requirement, if the item needs e.g. the Perception skill to be found, it is not needed to enter the player level at which this skill level can be learned.
Perception (or Harvest/Gastronomic Grasp) level: Minimum level of either Perception, Harvest or Gastronomic Grasp (whichever applies to the item) that is needed to find it.
Findable in Forest (Morning):
Findable in Forest (Day):
Findable in Forest (Evening):
Findable in Forest (Night):
Findable in Swamp (Morning):
Findable in Swamp (Day):
Findable in Swamp (Evening):
Findable in Swamp (Night):
Findable in Valley (Morning):
Findable in Valley (Day):
Findable in Valley (Evening):
Findable in Valley (Night):
Findable in Foray (Morning):
Findable in Foray (Day):
Findable in Foray (Evening):
Findable in Foray (Night):
Is enchantable? If item can be enchanted or not.
Attack bonus for enchanting 0 -> 1:
Attack bonus for enchanting 1 -> 2:
Attack bonus for enchanting 2 -> 3:
Attack bonus for enchanting 3 -> 4:
Defense bonus for enchanting 0 -> 1:
Defense bonus for enchanting 1 -> 2:
Defense bonus for enchanting 2 -> 3:
Defense bonus for enchanting 3 -> 4:
Mana bonus for enchanting 0 -> 1:
Mana bonus for enchanting 1 -> 2:
Mana bonus for enchanting 2 -> 3:
Mana bonus for enchanting 3 -> 4:
Can be crafted?
Is recipe incomplete? If the recipe is not yet fully discovered or not tested SET THIS TO YES, otherwise leave it as no.
Used skill:
Skill level:
Mana Crafting: Mana used to craft this item

Free text
