Game updates/2019-12-01
Announcement text
♋️ What time is it? The Cancer Season time! It appears that the population of monsters near the most powerful castles is low nowadays. Peaceful villagers can now wander calmly. However, monsters, while fleeing, dropped some goodies on their way to the hills. One can find some candy wrappers, bannana peels and some gear parts. Most likely those were taken off of not so brave and wise warriors. And yadda-yadda-yadda.. Long story short: - encounter chance is altered for the season winners - fragments drop rate is increased overall.
♋️ Party at the Smuggler's place Due to all this fuss around the Northern wind, the castle guards are tired as hell and confused. As a consequence, the Smuggler gives 80% discounts now! So if you were planning a travel, it's the best time! PS: By the way, looks like Blandleaf somehow managed to interweave common quality items as well!
Cancer Season
These updates mark the start of the Cancer season.
Drop changes
As mentioned in the announcement fragment drops (Parts and Recipes have changed. So far it seems that fragments still drop at the same times, but will now appear in all quests. (Further research is ongoing).