Cloth Jacket

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The Cloth Jacket is a piece of Protective Gear of the type Armor.


A simple blend of similar fabrics, overlapping to provide thin defense against slashing. Cotton, wool, and linen layers wound together overlap the torso and upper arms, buttoning to close and envelop the user for warmth and protection


Properties of Cloth Jacket
Identifier code a01
Type Protective Gear, Armor, T0 (No Expertise)
Weight 450
Depositable in Guild (needed Wrapping) yes (1)
Event item no
Craftable no
Tradeable (Auction) no
Shop prices (buy / sell) 3link={{{link}}} / 0link={{{link}}}
Attribute Value
Attack +0 link={{{link}}}
Defense +2 link={{{link}}}
Mana +0 link={{{link}}}
Skill Armor Mastery
Level Requirement 0
Enchantment Slot no