Bottle of Morph

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link={{{link}}} Info: Bottle of Morph
Corresponding Skill Alchemy (Skill)
Skill level required 4
Mana 50 Mana.png
Craft Command /b_p21
Ingredient (ID) Amount
Silver Dust (69) 6
Ephijora (47) 3
Mercy Sassafras (40) 2
Flammia Nut (66) 1
Assassin Vine (63) 1
Plexisop (67) 1
Plasma of Abyss (59) 1
Ultramarine Dust (60) 1

The Bottle of Morph is a Consumable of the type Potion.


Properties of Bottle of Morph
Identifier code p21
Type Consumable, Potion, A4
Weight 1
Depositable in Guild yes
Event item no
Craftable yes
Tradeable (Exchange) yes, (Command: /t_p21)
Tradeable (Auction) no
Effect Decreases base stats by 20% and swaps them (Attack becomes Defense and vice versa)
Base Duration 480min


The Bottle of Morph can be crafted with the skill Alchemy (Skill) on level 4.

This is only possible for alchemists, so it requires either being an Alchemist with this skill, or buying it from an Alchemy Shop with the complete list of necessary items in the inventory.

Bill of Materials

Basic resources sum:
30x Silver Ore
12x Powder
7x Tecceagrass
3x Ephijora
2x Mercy Sassafras
1x Sanguine Parsley
1x White Blossom
1x Flammia Nut
1x Cave Garlic
1x Cliff Rue
1x Sun Tarragon
1x Plexisop
1x Stinky Sumac
1x Storm Hyssop
Mana Cost: 265link={{{link}}} (Ingredients: 215link={{{link}}} / Item: 50link={{{link}}})

Total stock weight of basic resources: 93link={{{link}}}, stock weight of finished item: 1link={{{link}}}


Being morphed swaps base stats and reduces them by 35%; Bottle of morph restores them by +15%, finally giving 20% reduced stats.

  • When stacked together with a Vial of Morph, the final stat reduction is 15%.
  • When stacked together with a Potion of Morph, the final stat reduction is 10%.
  • When stacked together with both Vial and Potion of morph, the final stat reduction is 5%.